
About reproduction

One of our specialties is creating accurate replicas of works of art and historical objects. Whether you want to have an old sculpture reconstructed or a series of replicas topped off your artwork, we offer a customized solution.

We reproduce most of it using silicone molds that we make of your object. In these we then cast your new sculptures, mostly in synthetic resin composite, but also Acrylicone or concrete are among the possibilities. Is the sculpture very complex or do you only have a 3D design? Then 3D printing could be the right choice. And of course we can also relieve you of this. Through our large network we have specialists available in each field.

Don't wait any longer and contact us to discuss your project.

The advantages of this technique

Accuracy: We guarantee detailed and faithful replicas that are almost indistinguishable from the real thing.

Quality: Our reproductions are made with high-quality materials for longevity.

Flexibility: We can meet a variety of requirements, from small details to complete objects.

Examples of reproductions

Curious about the possibilities?